In May Scott and I started talking about the possibility of buying a jeep - and in July we bought of course as we started doing research on jeep products and came up with the Jeep Jamboree that was happening in Moab, Utah in October. Moab is one of our top 5 places in the world and the dates worked out so we went!

We had no idea what to expect from the weekend but it was pretty
cool to pull into the parking lot and have it full of jeeps!

And away we go!

Dewey was our trail guide today - he was great! He's
been jeeping for years but never made
us "newbies" feel stupid or silly...

We made lots of new friends...this is Patti from Idaho. I also need to
mention that four of us combined all of our pictures and I think we
had close to 500 pictures a day!
So this blog has pictures from all of us - when you look
through Day #2's pictures you will meet everyone...

This is Mike from New Mexico.

Of course we brought the Alaskan weather curse with us - it
rained most of the day. First rain Moab had seen in quite a long time
and the first time in 12 years
Jeep Jamboree has ever seen rain!

Scott fell in love...with jeeping!

Moab has some of the most incredible views!

Notice the camera crew - Alan & Jackie were there for Jeep,
they took both video and still all day long.

We thought this was pretty cool with all of the jeeps lined up and
the big rock in the background...

I just loved the way Ingrid framed this picture...

Bruce is proud of the mud he's collected! We didn't get as much because we had left the mud flaps on - but after we started we realized we should have taken them off (we came close to breaking them on some of the rocks we went up).

Parked for lunch - it was pouring down rain while we were eating
so everyone ended up staying in their jeeps.

I can't remember the name of this arch but it was beautiful.

Being able to see waterfalls come off the arch almost made the rain worth it!

Scott climbed up to the top - can you find me and Ingrid?

Love this picture - Ingrid is an incredible photographer!

See the arch? Scott walked out there but I didn't get a picture because
I stayed below and visited.

Ed was pretty wet by the end of the day.

Coming down and sideways was a little intimidating.

Dewey kept telling us to keep the white dots in the middle of the jeep - that's
all well and good when you can see the dots! :)

Bruce and Ingrid coming down behind us...

Love the rock formations!

Helpful signs...I would have been helplessly lost without our guides.

Having a blast!

Love that mud!!

Here comes everybody over the stream and up the hill.

And another stream - with all the rain they were everywhere!

It got really muddy at the end!
Ingrid took a bunch of video but I'm having trouble getting it to
download - keep checking back for it!