Monday, May 17, 2010

North Slope

Scott has been working on the North Slope for 10 years now and it's never worked out for me to go up there until now. They needed someone to teach an ACLS class so the company even paid my way up there. This sign and what you see in the background pretty much sums it up - animals have the right away (people lose their jobs if they harass them in anyway) and there's a lot of flat land and snow...
This is an Air Force outpost near his camp...

A drilling rig on the main road towards camp - they were moving it back towards town. Scott's camp is about a 1 1/2 hour drive from Deadhorse.

This is the drilling rig at Scott's camp (similiar to the one I saw being moved on the road).

I thought this was funny - a fire extinguisher in the middle of an ice field...


Here's another picture that sums it up - miles and miles of flat land...

Driving on an ice road!! We were headed out to Oogurick which is an island that's been built about 7 miles offshore.

Oogurick - within the next week or so they will close down the ice road and helicopter everyone out there. Once everything is melted they will use boats to get people back and forth.

These are bear cages - when you come out of the building it gives you the opportunity to look around for any polar bears before going out into open area.

Oogurick's ambulance...


When Scott went to Alaska for his hitch Ann went with him and got to see Sydney for the first time since she was just a few weeks old!! It was soo much fun getting to know her and playing with her (and seeing Stephanie and Brian...). :)
She is teething and everything keeps going in her mouth - I love the look on her face after she tastes her mom's foot. The funny thing was she kept going back for more!

Playing with her new drum and of course Sophie the giraffe.

Sydney's 1st pair of carhartts

She is such a happy baby - until she's tired and that's it, she starts screaming.

She got a new highchair and is trying it out...if only she knew what was coming!

This is pretty gross mom!

Hmmm, let me think about this...

Actually, this is pretty good!
Stephanie is steaming and blending different vegies. So far she's had mustard greens, brocolli and spinach. The only one she really doesn't like is the brocolli.

Tucker seeking out the sun - even if that means getting into tight spots!

Before we went to Alaska we were in Lawton, OK visiting Dulce and her parents. While we were there we celebrated her 1st birthday. I love this picture - I was making faces at her while Daddy was trying to feed her and she started making faces back at me. She is all about sticking her tongue out. Those big brown eyes will ensure that she gets her way both now and in the future!

Playing at the park!

Mommy and Dulce going down the slide.

Dulce's 1st birthday cake. She wasn't too sure about it at first...

But she got the hang of it pretty quickly!

She was mad when Mommy took it away!

Here she is in the bath after the cake - once again the tongue comes out!