If you had told us a year ago that we would be in Disneyworld running a 1/2 marathon in January, 2012 - we would have told you you were crazy! But here we are...

We started in April with the Couch to 5k app on our iphone. By June we were following this man's advice - Jeff Galloway. He has been running marathons for years and he trains on the run/walk method. For long runs we will run for 3 minutes and then walk for 1 minute. We will never be fast but we will continue to enjoy running and hopefully be injury free!

The Thursday before the race we went to a dinner at Epcot and got to meet some Characters.

Goofy - maybe next year? (1/2 Marathon on Saturday and full marathon on Sunday...)

Santa! He ran the 5k at Epcot the day before, the 1/2 with us and then was running the full marathon the next day. He was an inspiration to say the least!

The race starts at 530am in order to disrupt park life as little as possible. We woke up at 230am in order to catch the bus to Epcot and waited in the parking lot until about 4am when we began the walk to the starting line (which was about a mile). There were 27,000 runners!

Feeling great!

Pretty nice medals...

The next day with our tshirts and medals.

Crossing the finish line!