As we were riding our bikes into Tombstone we found that they were about to start a parade. We love small town parades so we quickly stowed the bikes and got ready to watch.

The local "Red Hat Ladies" getting ready to watch.

This is an Army band from Fort Huachuca over in Sierra Vista (although I think the guys carrying the flags have long since retired - I was concerned the guy on this end was going to collapse - he didn't look too well).

Lots of Harley Davidson's in town - as first we were concerned the town was going to be a bit wild that evening but we found the bars mostly empty by 9pm and the motorcycles quiet until around 5am the next morning. We decided this was an "older" biker gang... :)

Notice what's on his shoulder? He was riding around town like that!

The bird started making a bunch of noise so the guy moved him to the handlebars...

Not sure who this group was but it was about 94 degrees that day and I was impressed by the full skirts and long sleeve shirts!

Lots of ROTC in the parade...(from all branches of the military)

The local young cheerleaders - they were great!

Love this picture - they stopped to have an argument about something.
Look at the attitude in that girl's shoulders!

One of the many groups on horseback - these gentlemen were dressed up in Yankee uniforms.

Riding side saddle on a horse - still amazes me. I can barely stay on one riding western style!

This band is from the Jr High in Sierra Vista. They sounded great and then they would stop in the middle of playing and do a dance accompanied by their drummers.
This horse almost ran me over on the way into town - they were having a tough time controlling her. I'm surprised they went ahead and put her in the parade - she just about kicked the lady in front of them.

A high school mariachi band from Nogales, Arizona.

This guy was yelling something about the trolley rides - love his "parade rest" stance...

More people dressed up in period costume. I think people who live in Tombstone just like to get dressed up and relive the 1800's.

A small town parade is never complete without fire trucks!!

The mariachi band set up down the street and played for a while - they were amazing.
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