Sunday, October 1, 2017

Grandchild #5!

Hello World! My name is Daniel - this is me right after I was born. I put my Mommy thru quite a bit of work to bring me into this world - but she was still happy to see me!

This is my Daddy - he stuck by my Mommy's side and was also excited to see me!

Let's get this party started!

I was a big boy - and I'm even bigger now!

Just a few days after I arrived Hurricane Irma came to Florida. My parents had to get ready - we thankfully stayed with a friend inland who didn't lose power for all that long.

This is one of my dogs - his name is Gandalf.

I like this chair - it vibrates and makes nature sounds.

I think Gandalf wanted to be in the picture...

Here is my other dog Lolly - she follows me everywhere.

This is me meeting my Papa and Safety Bear.

Really Lolly - I'm good...

Here's my Nanna.

Lolly and I with our day I'll chew on hers...

I like to eat! I gained 2 pounds in a month!

Sleeping is pretty cool too - especially if someone will hold me...

Papa was excited to watch cartoons with me -
sleeping won out though.

Nanna loves kids books!

We visited the turtle rescue center - those are all baby turtles displaced by Hurricane Irma. They will go back to the sea eventually!

Nanna and Momma decided this will be like the pig in Seattle - whatever that means...

Papa helping me pick out which turtle to get...

This is Nanna's favorite picture of me. It's also the first day in my new house - because my birth and a hurricane weren't enough excitement for my Mom and Dad.
No one took any pictures of moving day - just of me. We know who's more important after all.

Papa and me and my dogs making sure I'm okay.

I still like this seat - Papa wanted to know if they made them in adult size. Silly Papa!

Lolly and Gandalf say see ya later!

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