We were driving along a highway (no underpass in sight) and something hit our window going at a high rate of speed. We never found out what it was but I can tell you that there was glass everywhere - in my hair, the seat and as far back as the kitchen! We were very thankful as it could have been much worse. The best part? About 6 months ago we switched auto policies - Geico offers a windshield coverage for $15 every 6 months that has a $50 deductible - we called them and they had a mobile glass company out there within a week! They told us it would have cost close to $1,000!
I realized after my last blog that I've gotten bad about posting pictures of some of the side trips we take and places we explore - so I will try to get better. This picture was taken from the ferry dock in Port Townsend. It was a rare beautiful fall day - Michael and I enjoyed it by taking the top off the jeep and going on a road trip!
A beautiful old building in Port Townsend taken from the ferry - I have no idea what it is but I thought it was beautiful.
Mt Baker...my friends in high school used to go skiing on this mountain in the late spring and get in trouble for skipping school (you know who your are!). :)
In 1946 my Dad was 18 years old and he bought this property on Lake Bosworth (east of Everett) for $500 ($50 down and $50 per month). Over the years many friends (and all of the 6 kids) spent hours building and working on the landscaping. I spent most every weekend on this property playing, working (no matter what my older brothers comment - I worked too!). It was an incredible blessing.
A view of the beach from the neighbors dock. Michael and I sat on the dock and had lunch...
This is the lake - no motorboats are allowed so it made a great swimming lake...
We got on the ferry as the sun was setting and ended up at the end of the line so we had a perfect departing shot of Seattle. I wish I had the talent and the proper equipment to get a good picture - it would have been a great one of the waterfront. Notice the moon coming up on the left hand side of the picture...
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