I got to go up to Anchorage and visit Sydney for 10 days and I had a great time!! It was nice to see Stephanie and Brian too but lets face it - now that there are Grandchildren in the picture the importance of the kids just drops way low! :)
Warning...this is a blog done by Nanna (that's me) for me and Papa (and maybe Great Grandma), everyone else may find that I've included way too many pictures of Sydney...if you feel that way...I don't want to hear about it.

Sydney turned one year old on October 1st!

I was feeding her spinach - when she got some on her nose she seemed quite proud of herself...

checking out the polar bears at the zoo

checking out the rice and beans at qdoba

What's going on Dad? (for those of you that have made it this far you might be interested to know that Sydney has never had sugar up to this point - in fact she's never even had canned baby food!)

I think she liked it!!

oh my goodness Nanna, I'm such a mess!

Leave it to a kid to be more entertained by the box than by the legos!

You found me!!

pounding on her new drum (update - she put her fist through it the other day so Mom & Dad are getting her another one).

Tucker helping her open her gifts - she was loving this because the only time Tucker pays her any attention is when she is feeding him the cheerios she's supposed to be eating...

Tucker took this one over...

She is just too cute...

Hamming it up for the camera - while Tucker checks out some more presents...

It never gets old...

she's going to be a famous musician someday...just wait, you'll see.
Brian says she's imitating her Mommy here - notice the cell phone?

When this kid crys it's time to put her to bed - where she happily goes to sleep for 10 hours straight!

Listening to Mommy read a bed time story - Good Night!
Thanks for looking at all of my Sydney pictures - just don't tell me if you skimmed through them!
She actually sleeps for 12 hours straight...more if she is growing. :)
ReplyDeleteYes, she is too cute. I enjoyed my stay so much with her and the kids. Love mom